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The Building Act 1984 is the principal statute providing for the control of building in Wales. It is the source of the Welsh Ministers’ power to make building regulations. Building regulations may be made to:

  • secure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of persons in or about buildings and of others who may be affected by buildings or matters connected with buildings;
  • further the conservation of fuel and power, the protection or enhancement of the environment and the prevention or detection of crime;
  • facilitate sustainable development;
  • prevent waste, undue consumption, misuse or contamination of water.

The Building Act 1984 provides for the supervision of plans and work by approved inspectors and local authorities. The Act also contains provisions relating to buildings, including requirements in relation to drainage, defective premises and demolition.

The approved documents most relevant to insulation are Part B Fire, Part F Ventilation, Part L Conservation of fuel and power and Part O Overheating.

Part B Fire safety

Approved document B is published in two volumes. Volume 1 deals solely with Dwellinghouses while Volume 2 deals with buildings other than dwellinghouses.

You can find the most recent editions of Approved Document B together with any amendments here.

Part F Ventilation

Approved Document F gives guidance on how to comply with Part F of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations. Volume 1 relates to dwellings and Volume 2 relates to buildings other than dwellings.

You can find the most recent editions of Approved Document F together with any amendments here. 

Part L Conservation of fuel and power

Approved Document L gives guidance on how to comply with Part L of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations and the energy efficiency requirements. Volume 1 relates to dwellings and Volume 2 relates to buildings other than dwellings.

You can find the most recent editions of Approved Document L together with any amendments and associated documents here. 

Part O Overheating

Approved Document O relates only to new residential buildings. It aims to protect the health and welfare of occupants of the building by reducing the occurrence of high indoor temperatures.

You can find the most recent editions of Approved Document 0 together with any amendments here.