Insulation Manufacturers Association (IMA) is the representative body for the Rigid Polyisocyanurate (PIR) and Polyurethane (PUR) Insulation Industry in the United Kingdom.
Our membership comprises of the major companies in the industry, including manufacturers of finished PIR and PUR insulation products, suppliers of the various raw materials and associated services.
A full list of our members is available here.
Over the years we have built up a great deal of credibility with many government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved in the legislative areas affecting the production and use of PIR and PUR insulation products.
IMA is a member of PU Europe, Construction Products Association. British Energy Efficiency Federation, National Home Improvement Council, Future Homes Hub and the Confederation of British Industry.
IMA was originally formed as BRUFMA in 1967 and incorporated as a Limited Company by Guarantee on 18th May 1978
Our Purpose
IMA’s purpose is to create a positive and dynamic business environment for the PIR and PUR insulation industry in the UK.
This will be achieved through:
Promotion – of the benefits of PIR and PUR insulation products to all stakeholders and representing the industry in the development of appropriate product and application standards
Information– providing independent and balanced information and education on the PIR and PUR industry and its products
Research – to further the development of the PIR and PUR insulation industry and market by investment in collaborative research and educational projects, spanning stakeholders across Europe.
Our Structure

Chief Executive and Company Secretary
Mr Simon Storer

Assistant Chief Executive
Ms Mel Price
IMA’s Council consists of one nominee from each member company. Full members have voting rights at Council meetings and all major decisions are made by the Council.
Members are responsible for keeping their companies updated about IMA policies and decisions made at Council and to brief IMA on their company’s views.
A list of current members can be found here.
Technical committee
This committee discusses and makes recommendations to the Council on matters of general interest to the formulation and end use of PIR and PUR insulation products. They also develop best practice guides and information documents
Policy and comminucations committee
This committee discusses and makes recommendations to Council on matters relating to Government policy and regulations and develops and provides responses to consultations relating to regulatory change pertinent to the PIR and PUR industry. It works with an agency to deliver messaging about the sector.
Sustainability Committee
This committee discusses matters of general interest relating the sustainable production, use and disposal of PIR and PUR insulation products. It develops guides and information for online use and provides responses to relevant consultations.
Spray foam committee
This standing committee discusses matters of general interest relating the production and use of spray and injected insulating foam. It develops guides and information for online use and provides responses to relevant consultations.
IMA is a non-profit making organisation. Funding is decided annually by the Council. Any funds generated are adjusted solely to cover the costs in running the organisation, to carry out testing and to publish and distribute promotional material, as deemed necessary by the appropriate committees.
Membership is either Full or Associate. An Associate has the right to attend General Meetings but not to vote, and qualifies for membership of the Council. Membership fees for producer members are based on the tonnage of chemicals used (within set bands) to produce rigid PU insulation sold in the UK, for suppliers and systems houses it is based on tonnes of chemicals supplied for production of PU insulation in the UK.
There is a flat basic membership fee for associate members.
Current fees for new members are available by contacting the IMA office.